Does this sound like you?
“I’m afraid to launch because I’m afraid to fail.”
“I keep pushing things back instead of moving forward, and then I beat myself up about it.”
“I don’t know how to take my passion and turn it into something meaningful with purpose.”
“I’m not sure if there’s anything that special about me that makes me stand out.”
“I just don’t feel like an expert.”
“What if I try, and nothing happens? What if I’m not as good as I think I am?”
“The task at hand seems so huge, it’s hard to know where to start.
'How To Fail Your Way To Success'
There is no successful entrepreneur who has achieved great success without first failing!
Both entrepreneurs and employees are eager to develop new ideas as a method of increasing innovation and offering more value to customers but we’re all held back by FEAR because the process of idea generation is usually thought of as a skill reserved for the creatives. However, the process of developing new ideas can be a scientific one through which effective ideas are discovered and validated.
The “How To Fail Your Way To Success” is a monthly event series curated by Tonisha Tagoe, founder of The Entrepreneur Toolbox. Guests will benefit from the panel, the networking opportunity provided and then the extra opportunity to have a PRIVATE 1-2-1 Consultation where YOU can be supported in understanding how to use the techniques.
Ticket options
Guests are welcome to attend the event without purchasing the Playbook.
Each month a Failure To Success Playbook has been put together to enable participants to get the maximum benefit from the session. This month’s Playbook will include Personality Types, Understanding Clients and what you need to put in place before you ‘Make It’
A very limited number of spaces are available each month for a 2hr bespoke 1-2-1 POWER HOUR Growth Accelerator Session with Tonisha.
To secure a space at this event every month.
Made For You!
Join us in June where we will be exploring the tools required to help you with:
>> Defining Success
>> Creating a Business That Suits Your Strengths
>> Developing & Validating Your Business Ideas
>> Earning The Highest ROI From Your MVP
>> Cultivating a Customer Base
>> Planning Your Entry Strategy
>> Financial Planning and Management
>> Mindset & Accountability
I literally thought it was going to be a room full of strange people! I'm so glad I came! I've made amazing contacts and I'm actually looking forward to following up with them!
Patrick Allen
Nursery Owner
I'm not very good with computers (and tech in general) but I had a lot of fun today! I learned some easy ways to do things I thought were complex! Here I come!
Jess Suntri
Office Manager
This was honestly such a good decision for me! I'm constantly second-guessing my decisions so it was great to find that I'm not the only one! I'm ready to be accountable!
Antonio Nupke
New Entrepreneur
It brings me pleasure to see entrepreneurs flourish and support each-other after meeting at these events!
Tonisha Tagoe
Founder & Host